Encounters, Part 9

14 Dec

Number One: So I’ve been going some street art lately. And let me tell you, it’s so hard! So the process of making the wheat paste was fun but it was by far very hard. The first time I made wheat paste it came out nasty and watery. I realized that you had to let it harden hahah. And putting up the street art is also very fun too! The hard part is having to re do everything all the time. I’ll put something up, and then the next week it’s going before I can get the picture. But oh well. I would like to continue to do it even after the project is due, but make it more about me and bunnies rather than Chicago.

Number Two: There are too many commercials in the world. It’s like the TV show will be on for 5 seconds and then there’s ten minuets of commercials. How many times can I hear about Comcast TV or cleaning products? I just don;t even listen anymore because there are too many on. Advertisements have taken over our lives. If they could, I but agencies would try to get these advertisements in our dreams!

Number Three: I think I’m going to throw up. I feel so tired and sick that I don’t even know how to calm myself down. I still have so much work to do and it’s not from procrastination. It’s because all year I didn’t get homework and now the teachers are deciding to pack on the stuff. I’ll sleep later. As of right now, I can not blog anymore. I can only encounter and observe so much.

Encounters, Part 8

14 Dec

Number One: I am a celebrity junky. I just love read Perez Hilton! So something I read today was that Justine Bieber and Selena Gomez are seeing each other…uhm nasty!!!!! First of all, she’s 18 and isn;t he 12? Totally nasty. And they both don’t have real talent. I mean Beiber can sing for sure, but his songs suck. Selena can’t sing at all. I heard her live and I just felt embarrassed. With that being said, they’re a match made in heaven. On the other hand…nasty. The age difference is just too big. AND SHE’S TALLER THAN HIM BY 7FT! Maybe I’m just picky, but boy oh boy, did Selena loose out when she broke up with TayLatuz.

Number Two: I love watching the dancers across the street. I feel like they have so much poise and grace-it’s just true beauty. I wish I was in ballet. My ma once asked me to join when I was younger but I wanted to be like my older sisters so I joined gymnastics and cheerleading. I’d do anything to take that all back because I think I would’ve been a great dancer. By no means would I be able to do it professionally because of my body type, but I think that I would love every second of it. I also love the way they interact with each other. It’s so passionate and more lustful than sexual. I just find every move that both the boys and girls make is just beyond spectacular.

Number Three: I feel like it’s not December. I mean the weather is more January. I miss seeing snow, plus it’s warmer when it snows too. I love the feeling of Christmas approaching, but I’m just not feeling it this year. I don’t know if its because the snow isn’t coming or whatever it is, but I’m just not feeling it this year. i hope I do soon!!! My sister comes home Tuesday and that is going to be the best gift I ever receive in my lifetime. My sister’s birthday is tomorrow, she’s going to be 21!!! I’m going out and getting her a cupcake from Sprinkles and I bought her a beautiful ring. And this Saturday is Nicki’s birthday and I think I might come back and make her a cake or something. I just want everyone to have a happy December 🙂

Encounters, Part 7

14 Dec

Number One: I’m observing my eating patterns. I hate not living at home. And I hate the coldness. Because I find it too cold to go grocery shopping. I MISS MY MOTEHR’S FOOD!!! Gosh, I hope I marry a chef because I can’t cook. I mean i can if I wanted to, but I never want to. I’m such a fast past person that I almost see cooking as a burden. But I need to do it. And I need to go grocery shopping because I’m not eating. No food= a sad Tess. That’s why I love to go home. My ma gives me the best food ever!!! I sound so sheltered and bratty, but I’m not even close to that. I’m just a bad cook and lazy in the winter.

Number Two: I can’t people watch anymore! This makes me SUPER SAD! Because the wind is so chilly, I always put my head down when I walk. And people watching is like my sport. I like to look at what people are wearing, because it really says a lot about what people are like. If I see a man in a long black pea coat with a briefcase and glasses, he’s most likely a business man. Or if I see a girl wearing bright tights and heels even though ice is everywhere, I know that she takes fashion seriously and she may or may not go to SAIC. And I like listening to people’s conversations. Hahaha I know that sounds so wrong, but it’s fun! People have the most interesting stories or talk about really normal things. I like it, it’s refreshing. The el is truly the best place to people watch.

Number Three: Why are girls so mean? I’m watching America’s Next Top Model, and these girls make it their job to backstab and hurt everyone in the house! I mean, I understand that you guys are competition, but why can’t we all just play fair? It’s like they are feeding into the bitchy and catty stereotype men give us. And I don’t respect that. I mean everyone at this school is technically my competition, but no one sees me screaming at everyone saying I’m the best at everything! it’s just rude and it makes you sound pretentious and stupid. STOP IT GIRLS!!

Encounters Part 6

14 Dec

Number One: AHHH I’m such a brattttt!!! Last night I held my boyfriend hostage. While frustrated because my website file would not upload to the FTP, and so i made him stay with me the whole night. Of course he was upset, but OH WELL! I do actually feel bad, because he had to sleep on the couch with me which wasn;t easy to do at all. But he loves me and always gives me what I want, which needs to change because it’s turning me into a brat! Please help. From now on I pledge that I shall not be a brat. OHBUT IT’S SO HARD!!! I mean from the start of the relationship he ALWAYS babied me. It was hard to get used to, but now that I am I feel like I always expect for him to give me everything. And that is wrong!!!!!!!!!! So from this day forward, I’m ending this madness.

Number Two: I hate people who try to force religion upon other people. Whenever I’m at State and Wabash, there’s this one guy on a freaking microphone screaming something about being saved. And I don’t like that. I mean I love it that people have religions because I love meeting people who like to inform me about aspects of their religion. But what I don’t like is when someone says another religion is wrong or when someone thinks one needs to be “saved.” I grew up in a multi-cultural family where religion was open. My dad is Muslim and my ma is Catholic. They gave us the choice to conform to either religion or choose any religion for that sake. And i love that. I really think that’s how I’m going to raise my children.

Number Three: I hate blogging. Personally, I know no one is going to read this so I don’t really see a point in it. I think I would like blogging if it was a group activity. Like, if my friends and I documented our weekly themed dinners. That would be fun because I like doing things with other people. Plus, I just feel like I don’t really have anything important to say. I mean I can talk about my everyday activities or I can talk and show my art, but I still wouldn’t like it. I just think that you have to have a certain personality to be a blogger. I like reading blogs, just not writing. I mean, really, no one reads this. It’s just a flow of my thoughts. I mine as well just keep a diary if I were going to blog.

Encounters Part 5

13 Dec

Number One: Everyone is the same. Were all out for the same thing: love, money, happiness (not in this order of course). I’m happy to say I’ve hit the jack pot on all three of these. But I people watch a lot of course, and you can’t help ut notice that everyone just needs these things in order to feel like they’ve fulfilled life. I don’t necessarily agree with this state of mind, but it happens to all of us. The media feeds us this at a young age. That we need love in order to not be lonely, or we need money, and therefore these two things make us happy. Also, weight is a big thing for people too. We’re told that to be sexy we have to be a size 00, or to be seen as fit for society we have to be thin and act flirtatious blah blah blah. I’m not going to sit here and act like this has never hit me before, because oh boy it has. But I feel like I’m over this seen. I’m happy with my weight. I have a boyfriend and family that love me so much I can explode. I’m so happy with or without money. LET US ALL SNAP OUT OF IT PEOPLE!

Number Two: We waste a lot in American culture. We waste food, clothes, literally anything that can be thrown away we waste. For example, a lot of people who don’t finish their food just throw it away. And I don’t know if it’s my dad in the back of my head saying, “some in Africa could eat that,” or it’s just that my eyes are starting to open up more…whatever it is, I think we need to change. Eat what you know you can eat and finish it all. Malls throw away clothes they don’t use. Why not donate to the Salvation Army or countries that are in need for that type of thing? I really feel like I don’t think the same way normal people do. We should all but these “progressive” thoughts into action and do something about America being so wasteful!

Number Three: People can’t drive when it snows. It’s so proven. The second they see white powder people start going nuts inside their head! I was driving NORMALLY and the person is going 5 miles an hour because it was lightly snowing outside….I don’t get it.

Encounter Part 4

13 Dec

Number One: I love observing things about myself. I love brushing my teeth. No joke, it’s like a ritual for me. I always start off with flossing, then I brush every single visible part of my mouth, and end in mouth wash. It sounds so simple, but I put so much effort into making my mouth clean. It’s an obsession. And I don;t know when it started. I love brushing my teeth. I love clean teeth. And I’m weird. I realized it was an obsession when I forgot to brush my teeth one night, and I woke up, freaked out, and brushed my teeth. Hahaha, but I hate the dentist, which is the weird thing. Dentists creep me out. Stop sticking those metal tools in my mouth and cleaning my teeth with “dreamsicle” flavored fluoride. Let me tell you something…First of all, that tastes NOTHING like dreamsicle. Second of all, stop telling me I don’t floss when I floss every night. No matter what you do, the dentist is never satisfied with your mouth. OH MY GOD. I figured out why I’m obsessed with brushing my teeth! I’m always out to please people, and if I don’t I freak out. I CAN’T PLEASE THE DENTIST! I must continue in this obsession…

Number Two. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/cant-be-tamed/f0fb556339416a5a956df0fb556339416a5a956d-319362172123?q=can’t+be+tamed&FORM=VIRE1 This song is about me. I am an egotistical person, I will admit it. I always think no matter what that I am the girl with the pettier eyes, the prettier hair color, the prettier everything. It hinders me of course in my relationship, because I also think I’ma always right. I got into a fight with my boyfriend about god knows what, and I never realized how stubborn I am. I mean, yes I know I’m stubborn, but I really don’t budge! I’m also the type of person where it’s like, you have to change for me but I won’t change for you. Yes, it’s bad…but I have to get my way 24 hours a day…because I’m hott like that….HAHA OH MILEY YOU UNDERSTAND ME! But in all for-real-ness, I really can’t be tamed or changed. And that’s not good. And I can’t say I’ve tried, because I really haven’t.

Number Three: I wear a red ear flap hat. Like the one Holden wears. I bought the hat before I read the book, so I didn’t know at the time. But like Holden, I feel like is symbolizes somehting. For Holden, it was protecting his innocence. For me, I wear it because it’s a great way to stand out. In Chicago, the uniform in the winter is black and blue and grey. Such dull colors…but of course I have fallen into it. But adding this red hat just sticks out like a sore thumb! No matter where I go, multiple people will always ask me where I got the hat, or at least compliment. I love having the attention on me, so I’ll be wearing this hat for a LONG time.

Encounters Part 3

13 Dec

Number One: I went to visit my Aunt Anne today because she just had a nose surgery to help her sinuses. She’s in pretty bad condition, so my ma and I dropped in for a visit. Since I work at a flower shop, I made her a Christmas themed arrangement and she was so in love with it. She could not stop saying how much she loved it, and it really touched my heart. What was even greater was that she had a lot of my art work hanging up around her room. When we were talking about me transferring to another school, she was just going on and on about how talented I am and that i’m really going to make it because I have a lot of passion and a steady head. This really made my day because I love hearing from the people I love that they support me in all of decisions. And I know she’s not just saying this. My aunt is so brutally honest, that you would know if she hated you or not. My mom and my aunt or my two toughest critics, and hearing that they love what I do and really believe in me really helps me get through these college days.

Number Two: They put Christmas things out too early. It’s October 1st and already they have Santa’s plastered everywhere. I don’t like that one bit. I Halloween and they ruin it because they make people think about the stress of the holidays too early. I just want to yell out, “DON”T DO THIS TO HALLOWEEN!” Let the holidays stay in their respected months! Personally, I refuse to listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, usually not until December first. I have my whole life to listen to these songs, so don’t start playing them in July. I really do think that malls do this so that people will start shopping sooner rather than later for all their gifts. Either way, it’s sick and wrong to start Christmas decorations this early.

Number Three: We all worry about money too much. I hate money personally. I hate it because it’s the number one thing on everyone’s mind, unless you’re rich that is. People should be happy they are healthy, or living for that matter. My family means so much to me. I never grew up with money and I never cared either. I started working at 14 and I don’t regret it one bit. I started saving young also. But if someone told me that i had a choice between between being with a rich family or the one I have now, there is no way in hell i would choose that rich family. I love my mom, dad, and siblings so much. I consider them my best friends and they are always the first people I go to when I need help. I hate hearing stories when people don’t get along with their families, because I know that having my family is the best gift I could ever have.

Three Encounters, Part Two

13 Dec

Encounter Number ONE: I love skype dates. I always have them with my best friend Bryan! But I think the story of how we met is by far amazing. My summer going into my senior year, I decided to take classes at Columbia College Chicago in fashion design. Bryan lives in Riverside and I live to the town next door, Berwyn. I walked on the BNSF train that leads to Chicago, and I see this kid listening to his iPod and sat in front of him. We got off the train and I noticed we were going in the same direction. After class I was back at the train station and I saw the same kid there sitting on the stairs waiting for the train. I sat down next to him and he caught my eye and I smiled, ever so creepily. He smiled back and when the train was loading, I sat in front of him again. He instantly got on the phone and started talking to his friend about his classes at Columbia that day. Right when he got off the phone, I turned around and screamed, “Oh My God! I’m taking classes there too!” Ever since then we always took the train together, walked together, and took the train back. We’ve been great friends ever since and now were going to reunite in New York when I transfer there next fall! I love and miss him so much, can’t wait!

Observation Number Two: I just got home from snowboarding, and I was observing all the other snowboarders. The guys that are really good are so douchy. the guys that are pretty good or just like to go for fun are super nice and chill. While Jon and I were at the repair shop at Chestnut, one of them looked at me and just gave me the dirtiest look ever. For some reason guys like to think that girls don’t snowboard. Whatever, showed him up later. But another example of a nice one is a guy who bumped into me while we were both going down the hill, and instead of blaming me, he totally took the blame, helped me up, and asked me a million times if I was okay.  He also complemented me and said that I was good and had great form. THAT’S A NICE ONE! Oh yeah, the douchy ones ALWAYS match their snowboarding pants to their jackets to their boards…that’s how you can tell.

Encounter Number Three: There is an epidemic of rude people these days. I went to go talk to a head of a department and he was SO rude to me. I was asking him to switch out of a class because I found it unchallenging, and he literally accused me of lying. Not only that, he told me that my argument was not valid. IF I’M NOT CHALLENGED IN A CLASS, HOW IS THAT NOT A VALID ARGUMENT? either way, this guy was just an absolute dick. He was being sarcastic the whole time, and basically blew me off. He didn’t help me in the least bit obviously. Even on the road people are acting like idiots. This guy almost hit be because I didn’t have a stop sign and he did. Guess what, he decided not to stop and almost hits me. So then I stop the car and he starts yelling at me. UHM, HELLO????? THERE’S A FUCKING STOP SIGN DUDE. I don’t know anymore. People are just so lame now-a-days.

Topic of the Week: Holidays

13 Dec

I LOVE HOLIDAYS! I mean, I love them because that’s when people truly love to get together. I just hosted a Hanuka dinner in my room last week and it was so great because my Jewish friends Tayla and Nikki were both there and able to talk about their culture and teach us new things. So many people came, but no matter what it still felt homey and cheerful. I’m so excited for Christmas because my sister Reem is coming home from New York!! She lives in Rochester and I saw her last only for a day in October, so having a full week with her truly makes it a happy holiday for me. Christmas has never been about presents and parties for my family. of course, we got presents, but decorating the tree was always our thing. Every year we get an ornament so we have this AWESOME collection. We also have a couple of our Radko ornaments signed by him! Another thing I love is going to my uncles house because that’s where my whole family is and it’s always fun to just see everyone again. Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope it’s happy and safe!

Topic of the Week: Haters

13 Dec

So we encounter them through out life, the haters of the world. One thing I hate is when people tell me I have bad taste in music, because I know there’s ton of people out there who have the same taste as me. And not only that, but I literally listen to just about everything. The music I work out to is way different from the music I drive to Whole Foods for (yes, I have a CD for Whole Foods). I cringe everytime I hear someone say, “You have bad taste in music!” It’s really a pet peeve. But it’s not only music. It goes all the way to brands and even in food. If I mention that I don’t like Taco Bell, immediately people start going crazy saying I’m a disgrace to humanity and that I haven’t truly lived, blah blah blah. Ah well, the haters of the world are so funny and sheltered most of the time anyways.


Just realized….I’m hating on haters HAHAHA